PHARM FOAMed Airway Curriculum

Minh gets himself a CL-1 on... himself
In addition to the countless posts and presumably a real job, Minh Le Cong has been putting together a free online airway curriculum. So far he has 4 episodes, here's what we have so far:

#FOAMEd Online Airway training Program – Anatomy review lecture by Dr Seth Trueger
we discuss airway anatomy

#FOAMEd Online Airway training Program – POSITIONING AND BLADE USE with Trueger and Faust
we talk about positioning and some techniques for laryngoscopy
featuring special guest and magnesium enthusiast Jeremy Faust

#FOAMEd Online Airway training Program – more Anatomy, blade technique and topicalisation by Dr Seth Trueger
Featuring a guest appearance by Minh's glottis

PHARM Podcast 52 : #FOAMEd Online Airway training Program – Airway Decision making
Featuring one of my airway mentors, the incomparable Reuben Strayer, and a tough case from Alexei Wagner
